Big Dogs Over Little Dogs Over Cats

Yes, cats do have there moments but I am a big dog person. I mean that in more ways then one. Dogs have always held a close place in my heart and I tend to favor big dogs over little dogs. There are more therapy dogs then cats for a reason, sorry cat lovers. I know I might be biased always having been around man’s best fried my entire life rather then whatever cats are to people but I only have met one nice cat. I mean look at this guy, he is a internet sensation but he looks very evil as he sits upon his throne believing he is above all the pesky humans.Grumpy-Cat-on-bed-544409

I also mentioned how I like big dogs over little ones. They kind of are too cat like and tend to be very needy almost they same way as grumpy cat looks here except not as mean. I grew up with a medium-big German Shepherd Husky mix, who loved cuddling and playing, who had a rough bark, and was gentle. I don’t know if I developed this because of that but I always feel like I am going to break the little things when I a around them. Also, I find they have high pitched yelps for there bark, kind of sounds like my loud sneezes, which both hurt my ears. I mean I still love little dogs but if… when I get my dog its gonna be a big guy.


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